#end-to-end autonomous driving
#e2e 자율주행 설명
#end-to-end autonomous driving:challenges and frontiers
#e2e 자율주행
#Imitation Learning
#greedy algorithm
#link layer
#dynamic programming
#Gini index
#그래프 알고리즘
#Convolutional Neural network
#Reinforcement Learning
#MAC address
#speed measurement
#copycat problem
#causal confusion
#sensorimotor agent
#privileged agent
#e2e 자율주행 challenges
#policy distillation
#e2e 자율주행 벤치마크
#vehicle dynamic simulation
#sensor simulation
#e2e 자율주행 metrics
#traffic simulation
#parameter initialization
#모듈형 자율주행
#lenet architecture
#Digital Image Processing
#Byer CFA
#Shutter Speed
#컴퓨터비전 분야
#how to find splitting value
#splitting value
#efficient method
#naive method
#continuous data
#categrical data
#gini gain
#euler's totient theorem
#euler totient funcction
#relatively prime number
#오일러 피함수
#kruscal's algorithm
#prim's algorithm
#graph algorithm
#adjacency matrix
#Channel Partitioning
#Multiple Access Protocols
#MAC frame transmission
#Gift Wrapping Algorithm
#convex hull problem
#convex hull 문제
#Jarvis March Algorithm
#Jarvis March
#최근접 점의 쌍 divide and conquer
#최근접 점의 쌍 분할정복
#closest-pair divide and conquer
#최근접 점의 쌍
#A Marketing Strategy
#longest prefix matching
#prefix matching
#NAT translation table
#dynamic host configuration
#자동 ip 할당
#http 연결
#fractional knapsack problem
#0-1 knapsack problem
#activity select problem
#Thanksgiving Trip
#연쇄 행렬 곱셈
#uva 10034
#distinct subsequences
#shoemaker's problem
#Random Access Protocol
#네트워크 주소 변환
#배낭 문제
#Inverse Reinforcement Learning
#C언어 문제
#application layer
#classification error
#matrix chain multiplication
#HTTP 메시지
#Network Address Translation
#페르마 소정리
#최소 신장 트리
#dijkstra's algorithm
#minimum spanning tree
#divide and conquer
#Address Resolution Protocol
#spanning tree
#subnet mask
#HTTP Connections
#convex hull
#Fermat's Little Theorem
#The Trip
#프록시 서버
#Computer Vision
#knapsack problem